Thursday 30 June 2011

On Losing a Lovebird

The white enamel shallow dish inside the cage is what the birds use to take a bath. We fill it up with 1 inch of water and they like splashing in it.
 It got to be so hot one day inside the rabbitry that we thought the birds might die because of the heat. So we brought them outside and put their cage under the guava tree which is right next to where we were building the outdoor aviary. They seemed to have picked their own partners at this time and where one goes, the other would follow. We noticed one day that the partner of the lutino bird was not looking well. It was looking lethargic and its eyes were sleepy most of the time. It just kept to itself in one corner and its feathers were somewhat ruffled. So we thought it would be best to separate this bird from the rest so we could monitor it better. We kept the bird in a separate cage all by itself and tried to tempt it to eat but it just kept hunch over in a corner of the cage. Meanwhile, it's lutino partner kept on crying because of the separation and we felt sorry for both of them. Then the sick bird passed away quietly after two days and we had to bury it. That was a very sad day for all of us.

I thought about buying a new bird to replace the one that died. The lutino bird kept on crying out loud as if it was searching for its partner and it was really heart breaking. Then three days later, a bird of the same kind, looking exactly like the one that we lost, came into our yard. We were very much surprised of course because it seemed like the bird that we buried was resurrected from the dead. We thought that this bird must have gotten out of its own cage and have been out in the wild for sometime. This new comer must have heard the cry of the Lutino bird who was still pining for its lost partner. Anyway, we were able to catch this loose bird when it went inside the chicken run. I know that we should have quarantined the bird first before mixing it with the others but in our excitement, we didn't do it. Once we put the new bird inside the cage, we could not tell which is which! Well anyway, the lutino bird stopped crying and it seems that it has found a new partner in this new comer. We've been blessed with a new bird and we're very happy for that.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Lovebirds in a Rabbit Cage

These are the four African Lovebirds that I bought from a pet shop along Magsaysay Avenue here in Baguio City, Philippines. When I first saw them, they were in two separate cages, two birds inside a cage. The sales lady told me that the two birds in the first cage are males while the other two in the next cage are females. One of the females is a Lutino with yellow feathers and that it costs more than the others. She said that I could get one male from the first cage and get another female from the other cage and pair them together. Being a newbie, I really could not tell the age of the birds and the saleslady said she doesn't know it either. Since I could not really make up my mind which ones to pick to make a pair, so I bought the whole lot instead. They all looked so beautiful anyway. I thought that it might be better if I bought the whole four of them so they can get to choose their own partner. I paid 400.00 pesos for each bird except for the Lutino which costs me 450.00 pesos. The saleslady would not budge with the price no matter how hard I tried to haggle with her but she was very helpful. I paid a total of 1,650.00 pesos for the four lovebirds. I also bought a piece of cuttle bone, a bag of sunflower seeds and a bag of small grains. She said that they prefer eating the sunflower seeds over the grains. So I brought the birds home together with their feed supply for a week. 

I didn't buy a bird cage from the pet shop because I didn't like what they were selling, they were too small I think. I planned on using a rabbit cage instead to house the birds when I got home.   I had four newly constructed all-wire rabbit cages inside the rabbitry at that time that has not been used yet. Initially, my intention in going to the pet shop was to buy some rabbits. I was getting impatient with waiting for the rabbits that I ordered from a neighbor but they were not weaned from their mother yet. So anyway, instead of coming home with some rabbits, I came home with these lovely bird. The size of the rabbit cage is 2.5 feet wide by 3 feet long by 18 inches high. It is recommended that the bird's cage should be at least 3 feet long and the width should be at least 2 feet while the height should be at least two feet. Well I had to make do with what I have which is actually much better than what they were selling at the pet shop. This cage is to be their home until such time that we could build them a house of their own.